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Make sure to check out The Yossi Schmidt Show at Podcast | Team World Supporter, Watch the most recent episode S5E7 The exiled FBI Agent and the golden rule (rumble.com)
Rupert Murdoch stepping down as chairman from Fox, News Corp. - ABC News (go.com)
Poland Announces It Will Stop Supplying Weapons to Ukraine (breitbart.com)
Nearly half of US adults think Biden did something 'illegal' regarding Hunter: poll (nypost.com)
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton suggests he might run against Sen. John Cornyn (nbcnews.com)
Judge, 96, suspended over mental fitness concerns (axios.com)
Hochul wants to end NYC ‘right to shelter’ law as migrant crisis surges (nypost.com)
3 South African Navy personnel killed in submarine incident - ABC News (go.com)
White House told U.S. ambassador to Japan to stop taunting China on social media (nbcnews.com)
7. Poland finally sees through this hoax of a war. I do agree that Russia is the aggressor. But when you keep funnelling weapons into a conflict without actually looking into putting an end to it, that is just nutty. From what I've seen from the behavior of the international community towards this war in Ukraine is that they don't want it to end. They just keep throwing money at Ukraine with absolutely no oversight. Here's another 10 billion. Where's that money coming from? Not from the taxpayer. It is devalued US dollars. Just keep on printing more money.